Arminco Co

سبد خرید

تکنولوژی و خدمات ما

با پنجاه سال حضور مستمر


While respecting the privacy of users, Arminco requests information from users to purchase, register comments or use some website features in order to provide safe and reliable services to users. In order to process and send the order, information such as address, phone number and email is required, and since all activities are legal and based on e-commerce laws, and during the purchase process, an official invoice and, upon the request of customers, a legal certificate Added value is exported, hence importing  Information such as name and national code for natural persons or economic code and national ID is required for organizational purchases. Customers can enter the name, address and phone number of another person to pick up the order and we will only use this information to ship the same order.

جهت دریافت مشاوره تولید و خرید با ما در ارتباط باشید!

تقویم 1403!

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